Death in the Woods Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

When I was a young man I worked on the farm of a German. The hired-girl was afraid of her employer. The farmer's wife hated her (5.11)

Wait, what? Let's get this straight: the narrator worked on a farm run by a sleazy German dude too? What about Mrs. Grimes? We're starting to think that most of this story may not even be true.

Quote #8

When I was a schoolboy [...] I went [...] to the house where the old woman had lived. No one had lived in the house since her death (5.12)

The narrator's later life experiences shape his understanding of Mrs. Grimes' death. The image of her decrepit old house (complete with creepy dogs) definitely shaped the story we're being told.

Quote #9

I did not think he got the point. He was too young and so was I. A thing so complete has its own beauty (5.16)

Some things are impossible for kids to understand. Luckily, the narrator keeps the experience stored in his memory-banks for when he is old enough to understand.