The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America Madness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I wish to say that I am but a very ordinary man, even below average in physical strength and mental ability, and to have planned and executed the stupendous amount of wrong-doing that has been attributed to me would have been wholly beyond my power." (4.6.2)

Holmes is trying to pull a fast one here. Luckily, he wasn't able to weasel his way out of this.

Quote #8

The Chicago Times-Herald wrote of Holmes, "He is a prodigy of wickedness, a human demon, a being so unthinkable that no novelist would dare to invent such a character." (4.6.6)

Even Edgar Allan Poe couldn't have conceived of a character so wicked. Holmes is truly a breed of his own.

Quote #9

"I am convinced that since my imprisonment I have changed woefully and gruesomely from what I was formerly in feature and figure…My head and face are gradually assuming an elongated shape. I believe fully that I am growing to resemble the devil—that the similitude is almost completed." (5.3.9)

Right before he's executed, Holmes claims he's starting to look like the devil. Though prison guards would claim this wasn't in fact true (he looked the same as he always did), Holmes twisted mind had distorted his vision.