Warfare Quotes in Eclipse

How we cite our quotes: (chapter.paragraph)

Quote #1

Like they were hoping a fight might break out to alleviate the tedium of another Monday morning. (3.155)

Bella believes that the desire for violence often emerges out of boredom. How many fights in school happen out of boredom?

Quote #2

[Mike to Ben:] "Did you see the size of the Jacob kid? I think he could take Cullen down." "I don't think so," Ben disagreed. "There's something about Edward. He's always so… confident." (3.286)

Mike and Ben weight two qualities against each other that they consider important in scoring a victory in a fight: physical strength and confidence. What quality do you believe to be more essential?

Quote #3

[Edward to Bella:] "Maybe [the werewolves] aren't the only ones who would enjoy a good fight." (6.134)

Edward believes that there's something very satisfying about warring against your biggest enemy. Why? What kind of warring match might he consider a bad fight?