Choices Quotes in Eclipse

How we cite our quotes: (chapter.paragraph)

Quote #1

I don't know how long I stood weighing the pros against the cons… (2.290)

Does making a good choice imply a rational weighing of pros and cons? Or does it mean being emotionally true to yourself?

Quote #2

[Edward to Jacob:] "Do you really think hurting [Bella] is better than protecting her?" (3.188)

Does loving someone mean to protect him or her from a hurtful reality? Or does love mean that you always tell them the truth, regardless of the pain involved?

Quote #3

[Bella to Edward:] "I'm out. I'm a neutral country. I am Switzerland." (6.173)

Bella seems to think that she doesn't have to choose sides. But if it came to a war between vampires and werewolves, would she actually remain neutral?