Esperanza Rising Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Abuelita smiled, reached over, and pulled the yarn, unravelling all of Esperanza's rows. "Do not be afraid to start over," she said. (2.38)

We're pretty sure Abuelita isn't just talking about crocheting here. Spoiler alert: this lesson will come in handy in a few chapters. Keep your eye out. Oh, and P.S. how wise is Abuelita?

Quote #2

"In California there is only fieldwork," said Miguel.

"I am stronger than you think," said Mama. (4.65)

In order to protect her family and her servants from Tío Luis, Mama is willing to give up her life of luxury and do physical labor for a living. She's one tough cookie, that's for sure.

Quote #3

"When I was your age, I left Spain with my mother, father, and sisters. [...] We had to take several ships and the journey lasted months. When we arrived, nothing was as promised. There were many hard times. But life was also exciting. And we had each other." (4.68)

You might have heard a version of this story before: "When I was a kid, we had to walk uphill both ways!" But Esperanza's grandma's story is a bit more extreme. Her immigration experience was challenging and difficult, but with the help of her family, she made it through.