Esperanza Rising The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

She pressed closer to the ground, until her body was breathing with the earth's. And with Papa's. The three hearts beating together. (1.15)

Esperanza's Papa teaches her to feel a deep connection with the land of her family's ranch. Her home isn't just the house that she lives in—it's also the vineyards, the ranch, and the land itself.

Quote #2

Sadness and anger tangled in Esperanza's stomach as she thought of all that she was leaving: her friends and her school, her life as it once was, Abuelita. And Papa. (4.101)

All of these things and people are a part of Esperanza's home. So it's understandable that she's pretty upset to leave it all behind. This isn't just a matter of moving to a new house; she's starting a totally new life.

Quote #3

She took a deep breath. The aroma of oranges from a nearby grove was reassuring and familiar. Maybe it wouldn't be so different here. (6.42)

Remember how connected Esperanza felt to the land in her old home in Mexico? That's why the smell of a familiar crop reassures her. Have you ever felt a connection to a smell? Maybe your grandma's chocolate chip cookies? Your dad's cologne? Your school cafeteria's mystery meat?