Esperanza Rising Principles Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Aguántate tantito y la fruta caerá en tu mano," he said. "Wait a little while and the fruit will fall into your hand. You must be patient, Esperanza." (1.10)

We're telling you—the adults in this story are so wise. It's as if they're straight out of a, well, novel. One of the first lessons that Esperanza's father teaches her is about patience. This is a lesson that will come in handy as Esperanza struggles to make a new life in the United States.

Quote #2

Abuelita smiled, reached over, and pulled the yarn, unraveling all of Esperanza's rows. "Do not be afraid to start over," she said. (2.38)

As we were saying about wise adults… here are some more words to live by. Abuelita's advice about crocheting is—wait for it—also applicable to life. We know that Esperanza is soaking it all in, too, because she will eventually repeat the same words to Isabel.

Quote #3

"Mija, it is all we can afford," said Mama. "We must make do. It is not easy for me either. But remember, we are going to a place that will be better than living with Tío Luis, and at least we will be together." (5.43)

Esperanza is pretty cranky about having to ride in the crowded, smelly car with people she regards as beneath her. But as always, Mama gives her a reality check.