Fallen Characters

Meet the Cast

Lucinda (Luce) Price

Luce Price starts off as a straight-A student at fancy-shmancy Dover Prep who speaks Latin and French, reads avidly, is well-adjusted in her social circle, and wants to become a psychiatrist and ma...

Daniel Grigori

Move Over Grumpy CatDaniel Grigori, the elusive, handsome hero of Fallen, is the total apple of Luce's eye, even if she can't completely articulate why. And we'll be real: it sure takes us a long t...

Cameron "Cam" Briel

Smoldering good looks? Check. Attentiveness? Check. Nice to parents? Check. Plays the guitar? Check. (Wait, does Cam play the guitar? He has to, right? Why else would he have guitar picks?)Anyway,...

Miss Sophia

Miss Sophia, if that even is your real name, we don't like you very much. Is a Zhsmaelim even a real thing? We don't think it's a real thing…Maybe you just made up your own title to feel importan...

Pennyweather van Syckle-Lockwood (Penn)

Basically the Next Sherlock HolmesIf you want something done at Sword & Cross, there's no one better to do it for you than Penn. Smart, astute, patient, and tireless, Penn will find the informa...


"Total Psycho"From the moment she busts in with her crazy girl act, we know Arriane is going to be a loose canon of a character, and she doesn't disappoint. We don't learn a lot about what landed A...


Pretty Girls Can Finish First We don't know a lot about Gabbe, except that Luce constantly refers to her "distinctive southern twang" (5.134). Sure, Gabbe starts out as that annoyingly perfect, pri...


"Muckle-Mouth"Molly seems to know what's up at this school, but she's a total mean girl. Because she's a fallen angel—on Can's side, not Daniel's—she knows just how to push Luce's buttons. How...


A good friend to Daniel, a possibly okay guy to Luce, and a friend to Arriane, there's not much to say about Roland, expect for the fact that this dude knows how to get contraband stuff in a pinch....


Aside from Miss Sophia, who is absolutely out there, the other faculty members at Sword & Cross seem blatantly, blandly miserable, probably as much as the students. Randy, Mr. Cole, Ms. Tross,...