Religion Quotes in Fight Club

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter. Paragraph)

Quote #4

My chakras stay closed. (4.45)

Religion can be a communal experience, but not for our narrator. He's resistant toward anything that requires him to interact with other people. Curmudgeonly, much?

Quote #5

I write little HAIKU things and FAX them around to everyone. When I pass people in the hall at work, I get totally ZEN right in everyone's hostile little FACE. (8.2)

Only our narrator is able to make Zen Buddhism into a contact sport.

Quote #6

I'm enlightened now. You know, only Buddha-style behavior. (8.70)

In his own weird way, our narrator manages to pervert the pacifist ideals of Buddhism but achieve the same cathartic results. Who needs meditation when you can get the same release by breaking some dude's nose?