From the Earth to the Moon Chapter 1 Summary

The Gun Club

  • During the Civil War, an organization called the Gun Club forms with the purpose of perfecting "the science of gunnery" (1.2).
  • Although the club has made tons of advancements in cannon technology (the best technology there is, clearly), they've had plenty of mishaps, too—most notably the hundreds of people killed during a faulty demonstration by a club member named J.T. Maston. Whoops.
  • These guys are bummed when the war ends. What the heck are they supposed to do with themselves if they can't make things that kill people?
  • We watch a meeting of the Gun Club in progress, and everyone—J.T. Maston included—is freaking out.
  • The mood changes after the group receives a letter from Impey Barbicane, president and founder of the club. He promises to make a "communication of great interest" (1.48) at a club assembly the following day.