From the Earth to the Moon Genre

Science Fiction (With a Touch of Adventure)

Jules Verne wrote the book on science fiction. (Yes, we're talking about this one.) Along with authors like H.G. Wells, Verne is credited with bringing sci-fi into the public consciousness and setting genre conventions that are still followed today.

Not all sci-fi is created equally, however. A lot of science fiction takes a broad view of its subject matter, concerning itself more with grand societal changes than individual experiences. Verne, on the other hand, is deeply connected to his characters and allows them to drive the plot.

In this way, Verne is heavily inspired by the adventure genre. Verne doesn't want to bore you with endless details; he wants to take you on an engaging, nail-biting journey. Impressively, Verne manages to serve both masters—his science is pretty bullet-proof (for the time) and his characters are engaging. As Michael Scott would say: that's a win-win-win.