Isolation Quotes in Fuse

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

She can't stop from searching, no matter how irrational it is to believe she might one day find him. (1.4)

Isolation can take on many forms; for Pressia, she feels mentally and physically isolated from her father. And because of this, she feels isolated from herself as well.

Quote #2

But, by God, he feels trapped, and worse than the feelings of being trapped is boredom. (2.3)

One of the worst parts about being isolated from everyone else is boredom. Isolation can lead to madness.

Quote #3

"I grew up alone. I can strike up a conversation with anything." (4.33)

Um, good for you, Bradwell. Good for you. You keep on talking to those inanimate objects.