Memory and the Past Quotes in Fuse

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

He looks wistful for a second. Pressia's jealous of the memory. (4.41)

Memories are like currency for people outside the Dome. So though it might look odd to see Pressia feel jealous here, it's similar to how people are jealous of other people's wealth. Pressia is poor when it comes to memories—all she wants is to have a past.

Quote #2

Her mind is blank except for the image of her mother's death—her skull, the mist of blood. (4.105)

Some memories just keep popping up in your head; this one is Pressia's. Unfortunately, traumatic experiences are placed right in the front of your mind, and it's extremely hard to move them back.

Quote #3

"The past isn't just the past. It's the truth!" (4.108)

For all you antiquarians out there, Bradwell is your man. The past tells us how we can mend our future, and what we need to continue to do. The past happened and the future hasn't yet — so why dwell in something that isn't yet true?