Versions of Reality Quotes in Fuse

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

She spent most of her childhood trying to remember things that never happened, the life her grandfather invented for her. (4.18)

Pressia might not have had the childhood she should have had, but that doesn't mean she didn't have a childhood. Sure, her grandfather may have lied to her, but that was her reality. Pressia wants to alter the past — but she can't.

Quote #2

If the Detonations hadn't ever happened, she'd have liked to have met Bradwell—a reality in which there are no doll-head fists or scars or embedded birds, before all the losses. (4.19)

Once again, Pressia can't alter the past, no matter how hard she tries. The Detonations are a part of her world, and she needs to come to terms with the losses inflicted upon the world.

Quote #3

"They contain a version of the Before. A digitized, cleaned-up version. Information isn't necessarily the truth." (4.52)

Are facts always facts? Bradwell makes a cynical but astute point here; we can't always rely on mere information. Sometimes we just need to see with our own eyes.