Graceling Chapter 11 Summary

  • Po rattles Katsa more than usual by asking her how she'll respond when Giddon asks her to marry him. Katsa is blown away. When he what? Why would he? Po tells Katsa she's kind of blind—Giddon's love for her is obvious to everyone.
  • Katsa runs to Raffin and asks him point blank if Giddon's in love with her.
  • Um, yeah—it's kind of obvious, Raffin tells her, and Katsa can't believe she's the only one who hasn't seen this coming. Raffin tells her she's not exactly the most perceptive person he's ever known.
  • At the Council meeting that night, Katsa avoids Giddon's gaze as much as possible while they continue to discuss who was behind Tealiff's kidnapping. Tealiff hasn't been able to remember anything. He was blindfolded the whole time, but he does know he traveled by sea for a while and then by land for a shorter while. Big help. Too bad there's no CSI team to check for DNA.
  • The Council has now found evidence that King Birn is innocent, too. Again someone asks about King Leck of Monsea, but nothing points to him. That leaves King Murgon acting alone, and nobody's satisfied with that conclusion.
  • Katsa wants to go rogue and question Murgon—she has ways to make him talk—but people say that would compromise the Council's secrecy. Giddon, clearly jealous of Po's increasing closeness to Katsa, suggests that Po go question a few people, preferably people far away from Randa's court, but Po says he'll have to think about what his next move will be.
  • Katsa finds her mind wandering, to Po's eyes, his forehead, his strong shoulders… and then Po looks at her and smirks. Busted.