Graceling Chapter 37 Summary

  • Overall, Po is… okay.
  • He seems physically fine, but he's distant and Katsa can't figure out why.
  • When Katsa finally gets him alone, they do a couple rounds of: "What's wrong?" "Nothing." "No, really—what's wrong?" "Nothing."
  • That's when Katsa tries to give Po his ring back, and he tells her to keep it. He doesn't want to go back to his castle or his old life. He likes it here. And he wants to be alone. (Appropriate sound effect for this moment.)
  • Katsa lies awake trying to figure out what in the Middluns is going on, finally deciding that if Po really wants to live here in the woods alone, she'll have to respect that, but only if she really believes it.
  • Skye and Bitterblue notice that Po isn't quite himself as well—Bitterblue thinks there's something strange about his eyes. Katsa agrees. He hasn't been making eye contact with anyone. In fact, now that she thinks about it, he's been having trouble with his eyes ever since his horse fell on him.
  • Egads.
  • Katsa approaches Po and tells him to look at her, and when he does, she knows the truth: he's blind.