
The erotic painting that replaces Boy with Apple is painted in the style of Egon Schiele, but it's not a Schiele painting. It was done by Rich Pellegrino, whose work impressed Anderson at an art show inspired by Anderson's own movies. (Source)

Johnny Depp was allegedly in the talks to play Gustave during the early casting stages of Grand Budapest. In the end it was Ralph Fiennes who took the role, but Depp went on to produce and star in Mordecai where he played an equally dapper, mustached, silly man who is, like our esteemed concierge, an art thief. (Source)

Unlike many other Anderson films which feature '60s or '70s pop music, Grand Budapest relies on music from the '30s and includes the wondrous instrument known as the balalaika: a three stringed acoustic instrument with a distinct triangular body. (Source)

Ludwig's tattoos are exact replicas of Pere Jules' tattoos in the 1934 film L'Atalante. (Source)