Guide Mentor

Guide Mentor

Character Role Analysis

Marisol Guzman

If you think about it, Marisol is a lot like John. Cynical? Check. Emotionally stunted? Check. Closed off to everyone around her? Triple check. The only difference is that Marisol seems to have more of a handle on who she is and what she wants out of life. She helps John realize that he's not doing anyone any favors by lying to those around him—including his parents. He's got loads of pent-up anger about his parents' divorce, and Marisol helps him express that, first in his writing, and then to his parents.

Here's the thing: She guides him so well because she's so similar to our main man. Plus, she's a year older, so she's got the "been there, done that, bought the t-shirt" mentality. For more on Marisol, though, and her excellent guidance, be sure to read up on her in the "Characters" section.