Hard Love Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. John claims to be "immune to emotion," but do you think that's true? In what ways does he feel things he doesn't want to admit or express? 
  2. Why does John fall for Marisol when he claims to not be interested in love? What makes her different? 
  3. How does John's love feel like a betrayal to Marisol? Why does she have to run away? 
  4. What's the significance of the title of Marisol's zine, Escape Velocity? Does anyone experience "escape velocity" in the book?
  5. John hates his parents after their divorce. Who is more to blame—his mom or his dad? How does his relationship with his parents compare to Marisol's relationship with her parents? 
  6. What role does sexual identity play in the novel? Why does John question whether he's gay? Why does Marisol love John if she's a lesbian? 
  7. How might the novel be different if it were told from Marisol's perspective, instead of John's? How is John's story of self-discovery linked with Marisol's? 
  8. John and Marisol both write zines as a way of expressing themselves. Why is it easier for them to use writing instead of talking to figure out who they are? How do they use their writing to communicate with each other?