Betrayal Quotes in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #4

HARRY: I need you to stay away from Scorpius Malfoy. (2.8.53)

Harry continues to betray his son's trust by forbidding him from seeing his only friend. Will Albus ever be able to trust his father again?

Quote #5

GINNY: Harry, you have one of the greatest hearts of any wizard who ever lived, and I do not believe your heart told you to do this. (2.13.5)

It's the alternate-timeline Harry who bans Scorpius from Albus's life. This is the timeline where Ron and Hermione didn't marry. Is Harry different in this timeline, or is he the same as usual?

Quote #6

SCORPIUS: How did Cedric become a Death Eater? What have I missed? Find me some—light in the darkness. (3.4.2)

Scorpius and Albus think they're saving the day by keeping Cedric alive, but Cedric betrays them by turning to the Dark side.