Betrayal Quotes in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #7

SCORPIUS: Are you still undercover now? Are you still secretly working for Dumbledore? (3.5.10)

Betrayal isn't always considered a bad thing in the Harry Potter universe. Snape is held up as a hero for betraying Voldemort and turning to the good side.

Quote #8

YOUNG HARRY exists, disturbed, as ALBUS bursts from within VOLDEMORT's cloak. He reaches out a desperate hand towards his dad. (3.13.19)

Harry's dreams are a mess. It's like he can't figure out if his own son might turn against him and betray him, or if Harry will betray his own son. (We think it's both.)

Quote #9

DELPHI: I don't just want you to stop him. I want you to humiliate him. (3.19.11)

Delphi betrays Albus' trust by turning against him and using him as a pawn to revive her dead father Voldemort. With her, betrayal leads to more betrayal, as she wants Albus to ruin Cedric's reputation, again leading to the bizarro Harry's dead world.