The Heart is a Lonely Hunter Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

After that night nobody called him Bubber any more. The big kids in the neighborhood started calling him Baby-Killer Kelly. But he didn't speak much to any person and nothing seemed to bother him. The family called him by his real name – George. (2.5.157)

Bubber's transformation into George shows how actions can shape one's character. He becomes known all around town by his one mistake. And now that he has changed, his family can't very well call him by his old nickname, can they? So they opt for George.

Quote #11

She felt very old, and it was like something was heavy inside her. She was a grown person now, whether she wanted to be or not. (2.11.126)

Mick's identity just keeps changing on us. But those changes seem completely out of her control. She makes choices, sure, but she doesn't seem to understand that her choices will change her, whether she wants to or not.