Hedda Gabler Respect and Reputation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue. We used Edmund Gosse and William Archer's translation.

Quote #7

HEDDA And then it is a back way, too.
Quite so. I have no objection to back ways. They may be piquant enough at times. (3.217-8)

No, this is not a dirty joke. It seems that Brack, like Eilert and Hedda, has a taste for the rebellious and improper.

Quote #8

[Stands waiting for a moment.] So you are not going to see her home, Mr. Løvborg?
I? Through the streets? Would you have people see her walking with me? (3.290-1)

It’s odd that Eilert cares so much for Mrs. Elvsted’s reputation now, especially since he has no regard for his own.

Quote #9

It will not end with last night—I know that perfectly well. And the thing is that now I have no taste for that sort of life either. I won't begin it anew. She has broken my courage and my power of braving life out. (3.293)

Because Mrs. Elvsted’s has destroyed Eilert’s taste for the renegade life, she has significantly changed his character.