1964 RNC Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech: Questions

    1964 RNC Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech: Questions

      1. One of Goldwater's campaign slogans was, "In your heart, you know he's right." Johnson supporters responded with their own Goldwater slogan: "In your guts, you know he's nuts." They're both catchy, to be sure, but how do you think voters on each side of the aisle responded?
      2. If Senator Goldwater were alive today and had run for President, would he have defeated Donald Trump in the Republican primaries?
      3. Goldwater's book The Conscience of a Conservative is seen as one of the bases on which modern conservatism was built. Which other books from the same era have had a lasting effect on political thought?
      4. What was going on with Vietnam in 1964 that had Barry G so fired up?
      5. If you could ask Barry three questions about this speech and his presidential campaign, what would they be? How do you think he'd answer them?
      6. Bill Miller, Barry's choice for VP, pretty much fell off the face of the politics planet after the failed election. (There was even an American Express commercial about it.) Why did Barry choose him as a running mate? Would you have picked Miller? If Goldwater were running today, who would you pick as a good Veep? Why?
      7. Which party's platform—Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Green Party—is most similar to the one laid out by Barry Goldwater in this speech?
      8. Goldwater later came out in support of allowing gays in the military. Based on this speech, what would have been his reasoning?