Kansas-Nebraska Act: Analysis

Kansas-Nebraska Act: Analysis

Symbols, Motifs, and Rhetorical Devices


EthosThere are a lot of documents out there that are written to persuade. And though it might not look like it on the surface, the Kansas-Nebraska Act is one of them. Think about it: the Kansas-Neb...


Legal DocumentFor most people, there are a lot of things that are way more fun to read than Congressional Acts. Novels, for example, graphic and otherwise. Song lyrics, essays, poems, news articles...

What's Up With the Title?

An Act to Organize the Territories of Nebraska and KansasEveryone likes a straight shooter, right? Someone who tells it like it is, no filter, no fluff, no frills, just the honest and candid truth....

What's Up With the Opening Lines?

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all that part of the territory of the United States included within the followin...

What's Up With the Closing Lines?

And be it further enacted, That all treaties, laws, and other engagements made by the government of the United States with the Indian tribes inhabiting the territories embraced within this act, sha...


(8) Snow LineHoly long, meandering sentences, Batman. Legalese may not technically be its own language, but sometimes it seems like it is. This doc may take a couple read-throughs to fully grasp wh...


In-Text ReferencesHistorical and Political ReferencesFugitive Slave Act of 1793 (9.8, 27.8)Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 (9.8, 27.8)Missouri Compromise (14.4, 32.4)United States Congress (1.1, 14.1, 2...


During the Mexican-American War, Brigadier General Franklin Pierce was exposed to the wonders of queso—and he liked it. (Source) Senator Stephen Douglas' father-in-law made him the manager of a 1...