Home Alone Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Home Alone.

Quote #7

KATE: This is Christmas! The season of perpetual hope! And I don't care if I have to get out on the runway and hitchhike! If it costs me everything I own, if I have to sell my soul to the devil himself, I am going to get home to my son.

We see that Kevin's Mom really cares about him; contrary to what Kevin thinks, his family doesn't really see him as useless dead weight.

Quote #8

KEVIN: This is extremely important. Will you please tell Santa that instead of presents this year, I just want my family back. No toys. Nothing but Peter, Kate, Buzz, Megan, Linnie, and Jeff. And my aunt and my cousins. And if he has time, my Uncle Frank. Okay?

This is the moment when Kevin (speaking to a guy playing Santa) admits that he really does want his family back. It's a crucial moment of dramatic reversal in the development of his character. Ironically, the Santa doesn't know that they've all gone to France, and imagines that they're dead.

Quote #9

MARLEY: Years back, before you and your family moved on the block, I had an argument with my son.

KEVIN: How old is he?

MARLEY: He's grown up. We lost our tempers, and I said I didn't care to see him anymore. He said the same, and we haven't spoken to each other since.

Kevin's only been separated from his family for a few days, but Marley's been estranged from his son for years. It's an example of how damaging this kind of separation and loneliness can be. Yet Kevin is able to help Marley make up with his family, since Kevin has recently learned how valuable family actually is: he can impart that wisdom.