Home Alone Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Home Alone.

Quote #10

KATE: I'm a bad parent. I'm a bad parent.

GUS: You're not. You know, you're beating yourself up there, you know. This happens. These things happen, you know. Gee, you want to talk about bad parents? Look at us. We're on the road 48, 49 weeks a year. We hardly see our families. You know, Joe, over there. Gosh, you know, he forgets his kids' names half the time. Ziggy over there, he's never even met his kid. Eddy: let's just hope none of them write a book about him.

This is played purely for laughs. It's like Gus's Polka band is Led Zeppelin or something—getting torn up by life on the road and separated from their families.