Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Character Quotes


Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Character Quotes

Huckleberry Finn Quotes

(Click the character infographic to download.) Huck Finn Video Huckleberry may have $6,000 and a laissez faire attitude toward showing up to school, but we're not about to switch places with hi...

Jim Quotes

(Click the character infographic to download.) Jim is a slave. For most people living in the pre-Civil War South, that's about all there is to know. Who cares about a slave's motivations, or charac...

Tom Sawyer Quotes

We first met Tom in Mark Twain's previous book, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Tom Sawyer is Huck's good friend, introduced in a previous book by Mark Twain, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. And he isâ...

The Duke and The King Quotes

(Click the character infographic to download.) Sorry to disappoint you, but these aren't a real Duke and King. Nope. They're conmen who team up to bilk the gullible people of more than one riversid...

Pap Quotes

(Click the character infographic to download.) Sure, Huck's father Pap may be an ignorant, abusive, alcoholic racist who beats his son and extorts whiskey money from him, but he's not all bad. He's...

The Widow Douglas Quotes

We don't see much of the Widow Douglass, but we get the feeling she's a nice lady. She takes Huck under her wing and promises to civilize him, which maybe not be what he wants but, by the standards...

Buck Grangerford Quotes

(Click the character infographic to download.) Move over, Tom: Huck has a new BFF. Buck and Huck become pals the second they meet, partly because Buck's a friendly guy: Say, how long are you going...

Silas and Sally Phelps Quotes

Small world: the king (who? check out his "Character Analysis") just so happens to sell Jim to Tom's aunt and uncle. Aunt Sally and Uncle Silas are good-natured and hospitable southern folk with lo...

The Wilks Family Quotes

The Wilks family is the target of one of the duke and the king's most conniving scams. The two cons learn from a local young man that Peter Wilks, a fairly wealthy local tanner, has just passed awa...