The Invention of Hugo Cabret Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph) and (I.Part.Chapter.Image)

Quote #4

“An empty box, a dry ocean, a lost monster, nothing, nothing, nothing…” (2.2.19)

Wow, Papa Georges is really upset. He’s just rambling off different words, but we get the gist—his past is gone and he’s been left with nothing.

Quote #5

“I grew up wanting to make dreams, too. Your husband gave me a great gift that day.” (2.7.23)

Papa Georges made a positive difference in the past, even if he won’t admit it. Not only did he make all those awesome movies, but he also managed to change Rene Tabard’s life. Try as he might to repress his own memories, he can't avoid the fact that he has created memories for others.

Quote #6

Hugo remembered what his father had said about seeing his first movie as a child. He had said it was like seeing our dreams in the middle of the day. (2.7.24)

Even Hugo’s father was touched by Méliès’s past, and he never even met him! He saw his movies and was amazed by them, which is enough to change his and Hugo's (and Méliès's for that matter) lives forever.