The Invention of Hugo Cabret Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph) and (I.Part.Chapter.Image)

Quote #4

“HA!” he cried. “How could this be mine? I am not an artist. I am nothing! I’m a penniless merchant, a prisoner! A shell! A windup toy!” (2.2.16)

Papa Georges seems quite upset that he’s been turned from a famous filmmaker into a toy booth owner, and with good reason. He used to have the most magical of lives, and now he’s just bitter and filled with regret. But there's still another transformation to be made…

Quote #5

“Maybe it’s the same with people,” Hugo continued. “If you lose your purpose… it’s like you’re broken.”

“Like Papa Georges?”

“Maybe… maybe we can fix him.” (2.6.20-22)

Not all is lost for Papa Georges, though. Hugo and Isabelle are convinced that they can snap him out of his decades-long funk and get him back to the magician he used to be. They can work some magic of their own.

Quote #6

“It’s so beautiful,” said Isabelle. “It looks like the whole city is made out of stars.” (2.6.310)

The train station is the dingy place where Hugo is stuck traveling through dark hidden passages all day. But at night, when he’s up at the glass clocks, the city transforms into a real dreamscape.