I Am the Cheese Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I think it's just the opposite. You're looking at me very strangely. It reminds me of what my father said about Mr. Grey. My father said the look on Mr. Grey's face gave him the chills. As if they were enemies. And that's the way you were looking at me a minute ago, that look on your face when you asked about the information – " (25.14)

This is the first time we sense any fear from Adam in his relationship with Brint. Suspicions and uneasiness, yes, but until now Brint hasn't truly frightened him to the point of giving him the chills. Why now?

Quote #8

"That's the trouble, Adam. Maybe you become paranoid after a while, suspicious of everything and everyone, for no reason. But there are reasons Adam." (26.15)

Paranoid, suspicious, afraid – these words are all thrown around quite a bit by Cormier. What are the nuances among them?

Quote #9

"And always, Adam, there are the Never Knows. Never knowing who can be trusted. Never knowing who that stranger in town might be. [...] Because you never know." (26.22)

There are a lot of very specific things Adam is afraid of. But as his mom reminds him here, it's the abstract fears, the ones you can't visualize and overcome, that are the most frightening.