I Am the Cheese Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I pedal furiously now, not because I want to catch up with them but because this road is deserted and I want to reach a better road or highway as soon as possible. I feel more vulnerable than ever. (18.5)

Does Adam feel more vulnerable when he is isolated, like he is here on his bike ride, or when he's surrounded by people?

Quote #5

I hate him. Not only for stealing my bike but for turning his back on his mother. He has a mother and he turns his back on her. [... ] I stay there, breathing hard, waiting my chance, not wanting to think of my mother, holding off the anguish, the loneliness. (27.5)

This reminds us of those scenes in movies where someone who just got dumped is walking through the park and suddenly all they see is couples being super mushy romantic with each other. Seeing people in relationships that you crave (here, a son and his mother) can really make you feel like you're alone in the world.

Quote #6

The agony of it all was the secrecy, knowing that he was pledged forever to tell no one – not even Amy. (28.2)

We've all found ourselves thinking, "no one understands me!" or "no one cares!" Usually we're being a little dramatic, right? Well, for Adam the words "no one" are literal and unchangeable.