The Iceman Cometh Themes

The Iceman Cometh Themes


We’re not talking about the ones where you can fly or the ones where you show up for an exam and realize you forgot your pants at home. In The Iceman Cometh it’s all about pipe dreams. Those gr...

Language and Communication

Hickey wields words like a knife or one of those crazy awesome swords that can like chop bricks in half. His skills at reading people and his unrelenting ability to talk and talk and talk enable hi...


It’s the championship game. The buzzer beater drops without even touching the rim. Half the crowd erupts, and the other half collapses. There are losses, and then there is true defeat. True defea...

Lies and Deceit

There was a song back in the good old 1980s that repeated the phrase, “Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies” like 97 times. The truth is, sweet little lies do exist and sometimes it’s even...


Death hangs over The Iceman Cometh like… well, kind of like the Grim Reaper. Hickey brings death to Harry’s, but it had already started making its way there. It might have even had a cozy littl...


You know those people who always seem to get what they want and they seem to get it in some really shady, back-handed way? Most of them are primetime manipulators. Hickey falls into that category,...


Fear drives people to do some crazy and incredible things. A healthy dose of fear might give you a head start when the Zombie Apocalypse  comes. Too much fear though can become crippling, and...


A young man sold out his own mother to the cops. A middle-aged man murdered his wife. Them’s the makings of some super dramatic Lifetime Movie. Murder and jail have sex appeal, but sometimes it...