The Iceman Cometh Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act)

Quote #1

MARGIE: You’re a bartender. (1)

This is a simple example of how Margie, Pearl, and Rocky lie to each other in order to ignore what they really are—namely prostitutes and a pimp. Let’s be honest, though, they’re not the only one’s doing it. People in Harry’s simply can’t own up to who or what they are.

Quote #2

LARRY: All I know is I’m sick of life! I’m through! I’ve forgotten myself! (2)

It’s tempting to think of Larry as the sane one of the bunch (a frightening proposition for sure), but he’s lying to himself just like everybody else. He can say he’s through with life all he wants, but there’s something keeping him going.

Quote #3

PARRITT: But I was talking about how she must feel about me. My getting through with the Movement. She’ll never forgive that. (3)

Parritt and Larry both use leaving the Movement as a way of avoiding dealing with the fact that they both left their relationships with Parritt’s mother unresolved. She’s not in the play, but boy does she haunt these two guys.