In Cold Blood Men and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Think how often [Perry] had heard [Dick] say, "They can beat me blind, I'll never tell them anything." Of course, Dick was a blowhard; his toughness existed solely in situations where he unarguably had the upper hand. (3.155)

Even though Perry thinks Dick is masculine, he can see through his bravado. His masculinity is pretty superficial. Shocking! We don't know anyone like that.

Quote #11

[…] he asked the nearest guard, in a whisper, if any member of the Clutter family were present. When he was told no, the prisoner seemed disappointed, as though he thought the protocol surrounding this ritual of vengeance was not being properly observed. […] staring after [the hearse], Roy Church shook his head: "I never would have believed he had the guts. To take it like he did. I had him tagged as a coward." (4.295-7)

In his last moments, Dick seems to "man up" and take some responsibility for what he did. Not exactly redemption, but he accepts the situation and holds it together emotionally.