Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory

We knew there was something super special about Mary Kate and Ashley. Twins are a big deal in Shorty's culture. Listen to how he explains it:

[…] a twin in Haiti, that's serious maji; it's something powerful. We were Marassa, man. You know Marassa? They're lwa, gods, the gods of twins—super-strong, super-hardcore, even though they look like three little kids. (1.72)

Shorty doesn't know whether he buys it. But hey, that doesn't stop him from cashing in on his twin status with his sister, Marguerite. It's undeniable that Shorty feels a deep connection with Marguerite, regardless of what he believes. Perhaps that's why it's such a big trauma when she goes missing. The way he tells it, it's as though half of his soul disappears right along with her. Yikes.