Inside Out Scene 13 Summary

  • As the credits roll, we get a glimpse at the Headquarters staff inside a variety of other people's heads. They all resemble their "owners," just like how Riley's dad's emotions all had mustaches, and her mom's all wore glasses.
  • Riley's teacher's counting down the days until summer vacation.
  • The girl behind the counter at the organic pizza joint is mad about whatever Troy's mad about. What's Troy mad about? Who knows?
  • A punky looking girl at Riley's school who's trying super-hard to seem aloof worries that everybody knows she's a fraud and laments how hard it is to act cool all the time.
  • A birthday clown being ignored by the kids at a party can't believe he went to six years of drama school for this. Six years.
  • A bus driver fumes in traffic. That's more like it.
  • A dog chases after a guy eating pizza, trying to steal his slice, as all the dogs in HQ enthusiastically pound the control panel.
  • They pass a cat that has nobody at the controls. The HQ cats are disinterested, being cats and all, and are all wandering around in the background—at least at first.
  • Then one starts batting the controls like a toy, and we see the cat on the street go haywire.
  • And that's the end. For real this time.