Inside Out Scene 7 Summary

  • Joy, Sadness, and Bing Bong make their way through Imagination Land and, can we just say, this is our kind of place. There's the French Fry Forest, Cloud Town, furniture for jumping over lava…Imagination Land is the bomb.
  • Bing Bong pulls out his rocket ship that he stashed by an enormous house of cards. It looks an awful lot like a little red wagon with some cardboard and brooms taped to it. He was going to use it to take Riley to the moon.
  • We also meet Riley's imaginary boyfriend, who's riding on a conveyor belt, having just been churned out by a machine that seems able to make a wide variety of imaginary boyfriends by mixing up various features, like haircuts and clothes.
  • Joy doesn't remember ever seeing him before. He's from Canada, apparently, and he's very dramatic.
  • "I would die for Riley," he says, apropos of nothing. Looks like Riley's been watching a lot of the CW network lately.
  • Bing Bong leads them toward Preschool World, the next leg of their shortcut, and claims they're almost to the train station.