Inside Out Scene 2 Summary

  • With the news that they're moving, Joy and the rest of the crew at Headquarters review their dream houses. Anger's comes with a dragon.
  • When Riley and her parents arrive at their real new house, Riley's underwhelmed, to say the least.
  • Things get tense when the fam finds out that the movers won't show up with all their stuff until Thursday, but Joy quickly comes up with a plan: Riley starts an impromptu game of crumped-up-paper hockey with her dad that diffuses the situation.
  • Well played, Joy. Well played.
  • Then Dad gets a call from work and has to bolt. Riley's bummed.
  • It's clear that what Joy, Sadness, Disgust, Anger, and Fear think, Riley feels. After all, they're her emotions. As is, it seems Joy's in control, though. For starters, she runs the control panel in HQ.
  • Riley and her mom go grab some pizza for lunch. The 'za has broccoli on it, and we know how Riley feels about broccoli—the same way we do, frankly. It has no place on a pizza.
  • Riley and her mom walk home, reminiscing about their drive out to California. Riley remembers the time their car almost rolled away while they stopped to snap a family photo in front of a dinosaur.
  • It's a happy memory, and the gang inside her head are stoked that their girl's in good spirits.
  • Wait. Riley's happy memory turns sad—we can tell because the memory ball transforms from gold to blue. What the heck?
  • Joy, Fear, Anger, and Disgust turn around to discover that Sadness touched the dinosaur memory ball. Ordinarily, that wouldn't permanently change the tone of a memory, but this time it did.
  • Riley approaches a giant stairway. She sits on the railing and gets pumped to slide all the way down. Inside her head, we see Goofball Island spring to life, and then—Riley has a change of heart.
  • A Core Memory comes rolling along the floor in HQ, bumping Joy in the leg. She rushes to put it back in the Core Memory holder that's been left ajar.
  • It was Sadness again. She says she just wanted to hold a Core Memory. Joy puts the kibosh on that idea immediately.
  • Sadness apologizes and says she doesn't know what's wrong with her. It's like she's having a breakdown. Joy tells her it's just stress, and to try to find the fun.
  • Joy reminds Sadness of a handful of happy memories; Sadness fixates on the negative side of each.
  • Laughing so hard with your friend Meg that milk comes out your nose? That's not fun; that burns.
  • Sadness finally collapses on the floor and starts crying.
  • Joy distracts Sadness by giving her a thoroughly boring Mind Manual to read and goes back to work.