Manipulation Quotes in Interview with the Vampire

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"When [Lestat] had finished speaking, no other decision was possible for me." (1.74)

From this statement, it sounds like Lestat is quite the salesman. If he can convince Louis that becoming a vampire is a good idea, he could sell ice to a penguin.

Quote #2

"You can rule the plantation and you can save it. All that is required is that you let no one convince you otherwise." (1.195)

Okay, this isn't exactly negative, but Louis does manipulate Babette into taking control of her plantation. If he hadn't, she might have let the place decay into ruins after the death of her brother, simply because females weren't supposed to be able to run anything. Louis is manipulating gender roles here.

Quote #3

"[Louis] was going to go away. But now he's not. Because he wants to stay and take care of you and make you happy." (1.398)

Claudia is a product of revenge-based manipulation. She is the personification of Lestat's desire for revenge against Louis, who wanted to leave him. No wonder this relationship doesn't work out well.