The Supernatural Quotes in Interview with the Vampire

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"'I thought vampires didn't like light.'" (1.9)

Within the first couple of pages, Louis busts a vampire myth. They don't lurk around in dark castles and creep around in the shadows. As long as it isn't sunlight, they're fine with a little illumination.

Quote #2

"He drained me almost to the point of death, which was for him sufficient." (1.62)

Different vampire myths have different ways of transforming people into vampires. In Anne Rice's mythology, the victim must be drained just to the brink of death and then must drink the blood of a vampire. Voilà! The victim is now a vampire, too.

Quote #3

"I saw as a vampire. [...] It was as if I had only just been able to see colors and shapes for the first time." (1.102-1.103)

Here we see how vampirism can enhance someone's life, rather than just add an eternal burden. Being a vampire takes all your senses and turns them on to the max. No wonder Louis goes through so much description… he has a lot of things to describe that we normal humans would never notice.