The Invisible Man Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I went into a place and was already ordering lunch, when it occurred to me that I could not eat unless I exposed my invisible face." (23.44)

We like this quote because it takes something very social – eating together – and shows how Griffin is on the outside. He can never eat around people again. We could make a joke here about pizza parties, but it's kind of serious: eating together is one way people show that they belong together.

Quote #8

"I clean lost my temper, the fools! Why couldn't they leave me alone?" (23.56)

Ah, yes – it's always the other person's fault, according to Griffin. Although maybe he has a point: if he could simply go away somewhere to do his research and not have to deal with other people, maybe everything would work out. What do you think?

Quote #9

"Blundering into your house, Kemp," he said, "changes all my plans. For you are a man that can understand. In spite of all that has happened, in spite of this publicity, of the loss of my books, of what I have suffered, there still remain great possibilities, huge possibilities—" (24.16)

Notice that Griffin reaches out to Kemp as someone he can share his dreams with. Griffin may still be an invisible man, but Kemp is his mental equal (or close enough), so they can share something. This is one of the few times we see Griffin trying to make himself less isolated.