Just Listen Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Just Listen.

Language and Communication Quotes

Whitney, in contrast, was a silent fumer. She'd never tell you when she was mad. You just knew, by the expression on her face, the steely narrowing of her eyes, the heavy, enunciated sighs that cou...

Betrayal Quotes

Since Emily had been my friend first, I'd thought maybe, just maybe, she might still be. Apparently not. The lines had been drawn, and now I knew for sure I was standing outside of them. (2.4)

Family Quotes

At first Kristen was hurt, then angry, before finally retaliating with her own silence. The rest of us were stuck in the middle, filling the awkward pauses with chatter that always fell short. (3.1...

Isolation Quotes

It was becoming clear, though, that my self-imposed isolation during the summer had been more effective than I'd realized. Right after everything happened, I'd cut myself off entirely, figuring thi...

Lies and Deceit Quotes

Looking back, I don't doubt my mom believed this at the time. I learned later how Whitney had completely reassured her, saying she was just overworked and overtired, and while she had been working...

Sadness Quotes

But as time went on, she didn't get better. Instead, she started sleeping later, and then later, until she sometimes didn't get out of bed at all. When she was up, I'd sometimes come into the kitch...

Identity Quotes

I had no idea how anyone would describe me, or what would come to mind at the sound of my name. I was just Annabel. (1.73)

Memory and the Past Quotes

But Sophie and Clarke were different. There was a pattern here, some sense of connection, even if I didn't want to see it. It didn't seem fair or right, but I couldn't help but wonder if maybe all...

Respect and Reputation Quotes

All the information I possessed about Owen Armstrong I'd gotten from a distance. (2.12)

Art and Culture Quotes

"The kind who live for music and are constantly seeking it out, anywhere they can. Who can't imagine a life without it. They're enlightened." (5.62)