Love Medicine Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

After two months were gone and my classes were done, and although I still had not forgiven my mother, I decided to go home. I wasn't crazy about the thought of seeing her, but our relationship was like a file we sharpened on, and necessary in that way. (1.2.16)

Apparently, Albertine was pretty good at passive aggressive warfare herself, and decided she wasn't going home or responding to her mother's super late news right away. However, she ultimately gave in to the need to see her family.

Quote #5

The two aunts gave her quick, unbelieving looks. Then they were both uneasily silent, neither of them willing to take up the slack and tell the story I knew was about June. I'd heard Aurelia and my mother laughing and accusing each other of the hanging in times past, when it had been only a family story and not the private trigger of special guilts. They looked at me, wondering if I knew about the hanging, but neither would open her lips to ask. So I said I'd heard June herself tell it. (1.2.90)

Here, once Albertine has gotten home, her mother and her Aunt Aurelia are kind of hesitant to tell the old family howler about how June had almost been hanged as part of a game they played as children. Now that June is actually dead, the women find it a lot less funny… imagine that.

Quote #6

"I consider Grandma Kashpaw my mother, even though she just took me in like any old stray." (1.4.20)

This is what Lipsha Morrissey says to Albertine when the two of them are getting drunk and staring at the stars. Albertine happens to know that June is actually Lipsha's real mother and is trying to get up the nerve to tell Lipsha, but she doesn't quite get there.