The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Would you like to go on a walk with Prufrock?
  2. How do Guido da Montefeltro and the epigraph from Dante’s Inferno fit with the rest of the poem? How is Prufrock like Guido? How are they different?
  3. Does Prufrock just lead a hellish life, or is he already in Hell? What might make us think that he’s actually in Hell?
  4. What do you think Prufrock’s question is? (Really, tell us, we’re dying to know.)
  5. Who does Prufrock address his song to? How much do we know about this person?
  6. The poem ends with Prufrock drowning with his love in the ocean. Is this ending real or some kind of dream? How does it relate to the rest of the poem? Does it make sense? Is it supposed to?