Lucky Jim Chapter 17 Summary

  • Jim wakes up the next morning hung over again, and realizes that headache or not, he has to get to work on his public lecture.
  • He knows the thing isn't that good, but only hopes that it'll be good enough.
  • Jim's housemate Beesley walks into the kitchen and asks Jim if the mail has arrived yet. He and Atkinson are in on the whole joke about Johns getting the letter.
  • Johns finally comes in with his letter. Jim, Alfred, and Atkinson all giggle to themselves.
  • As they see the wave of concern wash over Johns's face, Atkinson can't help but ask what the matter is.
  • Johns says it isn't funny, and threatens Jim with revenge.
  • He seems to know that Jim wrote the letter, though he can't be sure.
  • Jim enjoys Johns's suffering, but not as much as he should because he's still worrying about his upcoming lecture.
  • Alfred tells him not to stress too much and offers Jim some of his own notes to help fill out the lecture.
  • Alfred walks with Jim up to the university. They chat about how the university's standards are getting lower.
  • With the government paying more of students' tuition, there's more of an expectation that everyone needs to pass. Hmm, grade inflation even back in the day…
  • The two of them go into the history offices and check their mail.
  • Beesley shows Jim a note about a guy named Professor Caton taking up a new post in Argentina. It's the same guy who's supposed to publish Jim's article.
  • Argentina? There's no doubt about it now. Jim needs to get this guy on the phone and find out what's going on.
  • Jim heads to the library to pick up a book to research for his lecture.
  • While coming out, he runs into Professor Welch.
  • After a confused conversation, Welch tells Jim he'd like him to head to the city library to do some research for him.
  • It's going to take up the rest of Jim's day, and Jim really needs to work on his lecture. But he can't say no.