Lucky Jim Chapter 23 Summary

  • The day after the lecture, Jim's talking with Alfred Beesley about how the whole thing went down.
  • Jim's pretty sure that his days at the university are over, and he's already thinking about where to find his next job.
  • Welch has already let him know that he won't be recommending him for a job in the department. Which is sort of a relief to Jim, actually.
  • Jim goes into work and wonders what the heck he's going to do with his day, now that he has no reason to work on anything.
  • While wandering around his office, he notices an academic journal lying on a desk and flips it open. And guess what he finds?
  • He finds his own article on medieval shipbuilding, "authored" by L.S. Caton.
  • That creep has stolen Jim's article and passed it off as his own.
  • At first, Jim reacts with total rage at seeing this. But after a few seconds, he collapses into laughter at the stupidity of it all.
  • After thinking for a while more, Jim decides that he knows exactly what he wants to do with his day: get revenge on Johns for telling Bertrand about Jim's tea-date with Christine.
  • Jim marches up to Johns' office, but doesn't find him there.
  • He takes the opportunity to glance at Johns' desk, and finds a bunch of very important insurance forms lying on it.
  • Without hesitating, Jim gathers these up and walks out with them. Five minutes later, he throws them into the basement incinerator, closes the door, and dusts his hands.
  • On his way back home, Jim runs into Michie, who's shaved off his mustache.
  • Michie says he feels sorry about how Jim's lecture went (and how he's been fired and all that). Jim says not to worry about it. Deep down, he's just glad he won't have to teach a course for Michie in it the coming year.
  • As Jim leaves the campus, he feels a huge burden lifted off his shoulders.
  • He has no clue how he's going to make money and survive, but he actually feels really good about escaping from the university.
  • When he gets home, Jim finds out that there's someone on the telephone asking for him.
  • It turns out the person on the other end is none other than rich uncle Gore-Urquhart. And you'll never guess what the man's calling about…
  • In short, Mr. Gore-Urquhart admires Jim's honesty, and he wants to hire Jim as his personal assistant.
  • This is the exact same job Bertrand Welch has been gunning for, so it's doubly satisfying for Jim to get it.
  • Not to mention the fact that the job will pay much better than Jim's university gig, and that Jim will be moving to London to work for Mr. Gore-Urquhart.
  • Mr. Gore-Urquhart knows that Jim doesn't have great qualifications for the job. But he knows that he and Jim are cut from the same cloth when it comes to not liking phonies.
  • This makes Shmoop wonder about Mr. Gore-Urquhart's comments just before Jim's lecture, when he told Jim not to worry.
  • Is it possible that Gore-Urquhart got Jim drunk on purpose so he'd get fired and work for G-U?
  • But despite all this great news, Jim knows there's still something missing.
  • At the end of the day, Bertrand Welch still has Christine.