Xander Thomas Carrow Timeline and Summary


Xander Thomas Carrow Timeline and Summary

  • Xander attends his Match Banquet and gets matched with his BFF Cassia. He's thrilled.
  • He impresses his new Match, who watches in admiration as he excels at games of skill.
  • Xander signs Cassia up for an activity replanting flowerbeds followed by a picnic—something he knows she'll love. Unfortunately though, she seems a bit annoyed that he did this without asking her.
  • Everything turns out okay though, because Xander and Cassia share their first kiss at the flower event.
  • During free rec time, their bud Em has an anxiety attack, but she's already used her green pill for the week; ever the gentleman, Xander offers his.
  • Xander and Cassia go on their first (chaperoned) date.
  • Afterward, they come home to find Officials confiscating artifacts—he offers to hide Cassia's, knowing how special it is to her, then dramatically kisses her so no one sees her hand it over.
  • Xander challenges Ky to a game of chance during free rec, and they tie. Xander confesses to Cassia that he thinks Ky throws games of skill, which is why he challenged him to a game of chance instead.
  • Xander and Ky play a game of skill—it's close but Xander wins.
  • Over lunch, Xander learns the truth from Cassia: there was a mix-up with her microcard and she's falling in love with Ky. Xander's devastated.
  • Xander tells Cassia the red pills don't work on him and Ky.
  • Knowing that Cassia's leaving, he gives her a farewell gift of blue tablets for survival. What a good guy.