Monster Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I went around behind the counter and I saw Mr. Nesbitt on the floor—there was blood everywhere—and the cash register was open. A lot of cigarettes were missing, too. Maybe 5 cartons. (2.85)

That would be a terrifying scene to walk in on. And all for some petty cash and a few smokes.

Quote #2

I'll get me an Uzi and blow his brains out. (2.182)

Um… a little dramatic, perhaps? Steve's friend got shoved around by another guy, but really? Blow his brains out? What does this show us about the culture of violence in Steve's community?

Quote #3

All they talk about in here is hurting people. If you look at somebody, they say, "What you looking at me for?! I'll mess you up!" (3.1)

And we thought five-year-old girls were sensitive. Holy moley.