Monster Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

We hear the sounds of fists methodically punching someone as the camera goes slowly down the corridor, almost seeming to look for the source of the hitting. We see two inmates silhouetted, beating a third. Another inmate is on lookout. (4.61)

Perhaps this is a parallel moment. Yeah, the lookout isn't directly involved, but he's still guilty. Sound familiar?

Quote #5

OSVALDO (softly, timidly)
So Bobo said to me if I didn't help him, he'd cut me up. […] He said he would cut me up and get my moms, too. I was, like, really scared of him. (6.98,101)

Check back in the text. We're calling Osvaldo's bluff on this whole timid and meek shtick, but do you agree?

Quote #6

They do things to you in jail. You can't scare somebody with a look in here. (7.23)

"Fists and knees can break on me but looks will never hurt, fool." Or something like that.